Fred Bakker

Fred Bakker

Executive Coach | Certificate in Practitioner Coaching (SACAP), Certificate in Treasury Management (UNISA), Bachelor of Business Science (UCT)

I’m a Professional Executive Coach and Facilitator focusing primarily on management and leadership development at various organisations. My work experience includes five years teaching mainly business English in Tokyo and twelve years as a treasury dealer in banking. I’ve been coaching individuals and groups full-time since June 2004 – logging more than 5280 hours by June 2021.

I work and communicate professionally at all levels in both English and Afrikaans – and since I grew up speaking German, I’m still able to use it very effectively at a conversational level.


2004 Certificate in Practitioner Coaching from the South African College of Applied Psychology
1997 Certificate Programme in Treasury Management from the University of South Africa
1985 Bachelor of Business Science (Marketing and Economics) from the University of Cape Town

Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) Training Programme Certificate of Completion July 2016

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