We are proud to present our dedicated & professional team

Chantelle Solomon Executive Coach | Team Development Enabler | CA(SA). Master’s degree Management Coaching USB (2017)

Chantelle Solomon | Executive Coach | Team Development Enabler | CA(SA). Master’s degree Management Coaching USB (2017). Read more

Dr. Marcus Gottschalk Executive Coach | Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring (Oxford Brookes University), MSc Engineering (Berlin) MBA (Maryland)

Dr. Marcus Gottschalk | Executive Coach | Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring (Oxford Brookes University), MSc Engineering (Berlin) MBA (Maryland). Read more

Johan Brits Executive Coach & Thinking Partner | BA (Ed) (University of Pretoria), BA Hons (History) (University of South Africa), BA Hons (Industrial Psychology) (RAU), Certificate in Coaching (i-Coach & USB) (Stellenbosch)

Johan Brits | Executive Coach & Thinking Partner | BA (Ed) (University of Pretoria), BA Hons (History) (University of South Africa), BA Hons (Industrial Psychology) (RAU), Certificate in Coaching (i-Coach & USB) (Stellenbosch). Read more

John Muir Capacity Development Facilitator and Coach | B Prim Ed (UCT)

John Muir | Capacity Development Facilitator and Coach | B Prim Ed (UCT). Read more

Fred Bakker Executive Coach | Certificate in Practitioner Coaching (SACAP), Certificate in Treasury Management (UNISA), Bachelor of Business Science (UCT)

Fred Bakker | Executive Coach | Certificate in Practitioner Coaching (SACAP), Certificate in Treasury Management (UNISA), Bachelor of Business Science (UCT). Read more

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