Who We Are
Centre for Coaching, Innovation, Talent Engagement
I started Outerboxthinking in 2002. I liked the concept of “out of the box thinking” which resonates with my personality and thinking, but it is a long and clichéd name, so I came up with Outerboxthinking. I googled it and found nothing similar, so I registered the name and a new word and business was born.
Soon others with similar skill sets and philosophies joined me, and today we are a diverse group of coaches, innovative thinkers, and talent specialists. Over the past 18 years Outerboxthinking has grown from a company that did most of its business in one city, namely Cape Town, to a group that has reached and continues to work with people and organizations all around the world. We have indeed done work on every continent on earth, except Antarctica* that is, finding solutions and opportunities that are innovative yet practical. Although most of our clients are listed on global stock exchanges, we see ourselves as working with people, not “companies”, and we cherish our relationships with them.
The foundation on which we build our relationships is:
Reliability | Loyalty | Transparency
Cape Town
+27 (0)21 569 0174
+44 20 3355 9554
*(Can someone please tell National Geographic that I will work for half price if they take me along to Antarctica)