Coaching practicum in Existential Coaching

Existential Coaching

Existentialism is the study of life and existence in a meaningful manner that will make both the individual and the community prosper.

The Existential Coach will partner with you to find your answers to courageously endeavour on this journey called life, with all its fears, trails, and also joys. The end goal being content when looking back knowing that in a small way you made it a better place.

SOME QUESTIONS THAT MIGHT  NEED ANSWERS COULD BE: What is the meaning of my life? How do I find happiness? Am I in the right career? Am I free or trapped? What will I do when I retire? How do I parent my kids? Who am I? What should I study? How do I stand up for myself? How do I gain courage to tackle the big questions in my life? How can I navigate change in my life more effectively? Can I really change my weaknesses, or should I just accept them as fate? Am I the person I would like to be? Why can guilt be both good and bad, and how does this affect me? Do I need therapy? How do I build authentic, successful relationships? Am I too hard on myself?

Existential Coaches are well versed in the art of coaching and also have an in-depth understanding of existential philosophy. As this work is often a deeper journey into life and its complexities, the existential coach is supported by supervisors and mentors to aid them.

We would advise to do your research before choosing a coach for this journey.

What is a Practicum?

Practicums (also called internships or work placement programs) are designed to provide students with practical work experience. They emphasize the importance of learning by doing. They are where students can apply their knowledge to actual work. Practicums can also open many opportunities to network and make important contacts within the industry.

However, not many students truly realize the importance of practicums. When it comes to choosing a school, the first thing people typically want to know about is the cost of tuition. But it is a good idea to think about your education as an investment for your future. Before enrolling in a school, it is vital to ensure you graduate with more than just an expensive piece of paper.

Definition of practicum

: a course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory

The word practicum refers to a course involving activities emphasizing the practical

application of theory, especially one in which a student gains on-the-job experience in a field of study (Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 5th Ed.).

What are the advantages of doing a coaching practicum versus a traditional coaching programme?

This coaching program, like any other professional coaching program, is imbedded with sound academic underpinnings. As a parallel process, the student practitioner is required to work as a coach as she/he progress through the program. This process is facilitated by an experienced international existential coach to ensure the highest standards of coaching practice. This gives the student practitioner an opportunity to develop his or her skills as an existential coach while generating an income from their work. This gives the student practitioner the opportunity to finance part of the program from their own income as a student practitioner coach. Note that a certain level of proficiency is needed to be reached before you would be encouraged to charge a fee for your work. The practitioner is only required to pay one session at a time, which makes the programme very affordable (each session is paid 10 working days before the session).

When the student practitioner successfully completes the programme, he or she can apply to become an associate with Outerbox Thinking. (Note that this is opportunity to apply and not a guarantee by Outerboxthinking to accept the applicant)


    1. Why do you want to do coaching?
    2. Introduction to coaching
    3. Coaching versus mentoring and counselling
    4. Adult and experiential learning as foundation to coaching
    5. KOLB Model
    6. Listening skills
    7. Questioning skills
    8. Building rapport
    9. Contracting
    10. Macro and micro model
    11. CLEAR Model
  2. Tools and techniques
    1. Root cause analysis
    2. Mirroring
    3. Accountability
    4. Using metaphors and storytelling
    5. Repertory grid analysis
    6. Lifeline story
    7. Existential self-assessment
    8. Identifying existential dilemmas
    9. Marketing yourself as a coach
  3. In-depth study of approaches to aid the existential coach
    1. Existential approach
    2. Holistic approach
    3. Cognitive behavioural approach

Requirements for student-practitioner during a practicum

  1. 40-hour face to face (virtual or in person) with Existential Coach Trainer
  2. 60 hours self-study
  3. Reflective practice
  4. Coaching clients (100 hours during the programme)
  5. Supervision of client work (20 Hours)
  6. Coaching of a client to be observed by your Existential Coach Instructor (with the permission of all three parties)
  7. Final presentation of your coaching offering (This will be in front of a panel of experienced coaches)

Requirements for students to do a practicum

This programme requires a foundational understanding of humanities, so a bachelor’s degree or equivalent to is required. The student needs the capacity to do self-study as all of the face-to-face sessions with Existential Coach Instructor will require the student to come prepared with questions from the material they have read and assimilated for the session. The Existential Coach Trainer will provide the student with study material before each session. This is included in the fee structure of the programme.

The student practitioner is encouraged to further reading beyond the material supplied.

The student needs to be able to practice the skills required in the field while on the practicum, as the programme is hinged on experiential learning.

To apply please send an email to

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